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Etonbury Academy

Exam results and performance data

KS4 DATA 2023/24

Progress 8


Attainment 8

47.1 (Local 42.3 / National 45.9)

% of students achieving a strong pass in English & Maths (9-5)

48% (Local 40.4% / National 45.9%)

% of students entering EBacc

17.3% (Local 29.7% / National 40.4%)

EBacc Average Point Score

3.91 (Local 3.66 / National 4.07)

% of students staying in education or entering employment

91% (Local 94% / National 93%)

KS2 DATA 2023/24

Reading Writing & Maths 


Expected standard

46% (Local 53% / National 61%)

Higher standard

0% (Local 4% / National 8%)

Additional measures


% of students reaching the grammar, punctuation, spelling at expected standard

74% (Local 68% / National 72%)

% of students reaching the grammer, punctuation, spelling at higher standard

23% (Local 24% / National 32%)

Average Scaled Score



105 (Local 104 / National 105)


102 (Local 103 / National 104)

Progress score in reading, writing and maths

We are not able to calculate KS1-KS2 progress scores for academic years 2023/24 and 2024/25. This is because there is no KS1 baseline available to calculate primary progress measures for these years due to Covid-19 disruption. We are also unable to show results broken down by prior attainment. For more information see the KS2 technical guidance opens in a new window. You can also view historic 2022/23 progress measures on the Progress measures for the 2022 to 2023 academic year page.

Attainment measures show how pupils have performed in tests and assessments but do not take pupils’ starting points into account.

Click here to link to the school and college performance tables.