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Etonbury Academy

Sixth Form

Etonbury Academy Sixth Form has the perfect mix of being a small, friendly Sixth Form where all staff know their students well, resulting in high aspirations for everyone.

Develop the learner, develop the person is the Etonbury vision and this is exemplified in all aspects of Sixth Form life.  Whilst the whole school community works together to ensure our students leave with fantastic set of qualifications, in the Sixth form we also focus on developing the transferable skills through our enrichment opportunities that are so highly valued by universities and employers.  A well-rounded Sixth Former is more than just a good set of academic results; they show leadership qualities, teamwork, effective communication and creativity.

Whilst we want our students to excel in the classroom, we also want them to thrive as young adults, taking an active role in both our school community by supporting younger students, but also in the wider community by leading fundraising initiatives and gaining more independence on trips both aboard and within the UK.

Our dedicated pastoral team is the first point of call for our students and will support them throughout their time with us, both academically and for their well-being, as we understand this transition brings about great opportunities but also new challenges.

When supporting our students with their future plans, we have a tailored approach to helping students understand what options are available to them and supporting them through the application process with dedicated, timetabled lessons, whether that be university, apprenticeships or employment. 

If you would like to visit, please contact Mrs Chloe Dowden, Head of Sixth Form, to arrange a tour.