Etonbury Academy aims to provide students in years 7-13 with quality Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance in order to enable students to investigate and evaluate career paths, so students are able to make informed decisions at Post 16 and 18.
The careers programme is provided through weekly age appropriate tutor time activities, which are linked to students’ personal Unifrog accounts, allowing teachers and parents to understand each child’s future aspirations. We use 4YP to provide impartial 1:1 career meetings with students in KS4 and KS5. We welcome guest speakers from further education providers and local businesses, so please contact our careers lead if this is something you would like to offer our students.
We assess the impact of its careers programme through the use of destination data and by using the COMPASS+ tool each term to reflect on progress towards the Gatsby benchmarks, working closely with our SEMLEP adviser to gauge the strengths of the careers programme against other local schools. Our careers provision will next be reviewed Autumn 2025.
If you can help with an engagement or would like further information, please contact:
Careers Leader - Mrs Chloe Dowden
Email address -
Telephone - 01462 730391
ETA Careers Education Action Plan
ETA Provider Access Policy Statement