British Values and PSHCE
Etonbury Academy has an exceptional PSHCE programme that runs across all year groups and key stages, with all students timetabled for one period per week. We work closely with students to support them to become happy, confidence, informed and positive citizens for the future.
Topics covered include health and wellbeing, substance abuse and misuse, e-safety, sex and relationships education, our anti-bullying programme, financial management and careers development.
Assemblies, student events and parent information evenings further support our PSHCE provision, and e-safety evenings are extremely well attended.
Our academy is underpinned at all levels by our British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. All our staff are PREVENT trained and certificated (to combat radicalisation of any type).
We are proud of our British values, and we are proud of our students who demonstrate them through their behaviour and commitment.
Our SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development) programme is also fully inclusive and well established. Students benefit through visits from guest speakers, multi-faith leaders, special themed assemblies (with regular emphasis on e-safety), and further opportunities such as Youth Parliament and school debating including Youth Speaks run in conjunction with The Rotary Club.