About Etonbury
The school was originally founded in 1955 as a small local secondary school. In the mid 1970’s it became Etonbury Middle School and has played a key role in the education of local students over the years.
A major expansion programme has taken the school from four hundred students to a capacity of over one thousand places over the past three years. This growth is part of the area strategic plan to ensure local students have the opportunity to be educated in their community now and for generations to come.
The current Senior Leadership Team, with extensive experience of improving and delivering outstanding education in very successful schools, is driving rapid development across all areas of school development. Working together with all staff, students, parents and the local community we are transforming Etonbury Academy into the most exciting and dynamic school in the region.
From September 2016 the Academy became an extended secondary school for students aged 9-16, delivering a full Key Stage 4 curriculum, and in an overwhelming vote of confidence from the community the vast majority of students elected to remain at the school to continue their studies. The Academy prides itself on building excellent relationships with parents and carers and works continually and tirelessly for the benefit of every student. The ethos of the school is one of caring, support, challenge and stretch, underpinned by core British values at all times.
Our students are immensely proud of their school. Their success and happiness in all areas of their lives is our relentless focus, and we ensure that they have every opportunity to succeed during their time here. We expect high standards, and our students consistently meet and exceed them.
Leadership, Staff, Students, Parents, Carers and Community. We are all Team Etonbury.